New York City, NY - Seed Week
Dates: June 15-21 Team Leader: TBA For: adults 18+ years old What We'll Be Doing: Join us for a one-week mission trip full of learning opportunities, cross-cultural training and experiences, and abundant gospel-sowing among unreached people groups in NYC! Team Size: 6 Estimated Cost: $1000 |
Cru Military
Dates: Between June 8 and 28 Team Leader: Gantumur Badrakh For: adults What We'll Be Doing: Join us for a two-week partnering with our very own Associate Partner speaking and serving at a Bible Camp retreat, conducting a retreat for the Mongolian Christian men, and encouraging key Christian leaders from the Christian ministries like the Mongolia Evangelical Alliance, the Bible Society, a Bible Training Center and others. Team Size: 2-3 Estimated Cost: $3500 |
Brussels, Belgium - Serve The City / International Church Planting
Dates : TBA (around mid-June) Team Leader: David Taylor For: adults 18+ years old or mature teens with accompanying parent What We'll Be Doing: Participate & support the work of Serve The City Brussels in some of their 150+ weekly serving opportunities among those in need throughout the city; come alongside Carlton & Shannon Deal as they celebrate 20 years of Serve The City and The Well, their church plant in Brussels; dive into the theology, practice & prayer of what it takes to live, follow Christ and serve in an international city like Brussels. Team Size: 7 Estimated Cost: $3000 |
Nairobi, Kenya - Youth International Trip
Dates: July 4 - 14 Team Leader: Chris Chappell and Katie Highfield For: High School students What We'll Be Doing: Join us for a 10 day trip partnering with Karen Community Church students to do outreach in local schools, community building events, and build relationships with our sister church. Team Size: 10 Estimated Cost: $2,500 |
Brazil - Partner with Churches
Dates: July/August Team Leader: CB and MB For: adults 18+ years old What We'll Be Doing: Join us for a two-week exploration of churches we’re connected with through our work in East Asia. We’ll spend time building Great Commision relationships, piloting an ESL training program, and encouraging our brothers and sisters. Team Size: 5 Estimated Cost: $3,000 |
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